Volunteer In Miami While Going Green
Volunteering feels better when you’re going green too. There’s no better way to give back to your community than by volunteering. Community service is a great way to build a community while providing opportunities to learn and grow. In addition, volunteering in Miami provides ways to improve the environment and directly impact the ecosystem (in a positive way!)
Whether you’re looking for ways to get your high school service hours, a meaningful teambuilding opportunity, or a way to meet new people and improve the community and environment around you, here are eight eco-friendly places to volunteer in Miami and the surrounding areas.
1. Frost Science Museum: Museum Volunteers for the Environment
Frost Museum volunteers are hands-on when it comes to protecting and preserving the environment. Join the Museum Volunteers for the Environment (MUVE) to be directly involved in reversing the trend of environmental degradation in South Florida. This organization has restored over 25 acres of coastal habitats since 2007.
In addition, volunteers provide food and shelter for natural wildlife. As a MUVE volunteer, you’ll directly impact your community by reclaiming the ecological and economic benefits of natural ecosystems. Join their efforts underwater or on land!
2. Sierra Club, Miami Dade
The Sierra Club is a national volunteer organization dedicated to environmental preservation. The Miami chapter was founded in 1972. Today, there are over 2,500 volunteers in the Sierra Club in the Miami Dade and Monroe Counties. There are lots of opportunities, including education and community outreach, education, and writing. No matter what your skill level or time commitment, there’s a way for you to help!
3. Volunteercleanup.org
Beach cleanups keep plastics out of the ocean, protecting the environment and the wildlife who live there. Volunteercleanup.org provides an easy way for small groups to organize beach cleanups on their own. If you want to join a beach cleanup, you can search the website to find a group to join. It’s great for a group of friends who want to help the environment and aren’t sure where to start. Spending a few hours focusing on one section of beach can make a huge difference, especially when several groups target different areas of shoreline!
4. Lotus House
There are a lot of ways you can support the mission of Lotus House, which provides shelter, education, support, and resources for homeless women and children. For an eco-friendly volunteer opportunity, you can host a clothing and resources drive with your organization or business to supply the women and children who rely on Lotus House with the things they need to thrive through second-hand donations. You can also host an activity in their space, which is a simple but effective way to support their mission.
5. Endangered Lands Volunteers
Earn community hours by volunteering during one of Miami Dade’s endangered lands volunteering days. Volunteering days run from 9 am until noon and are a fun, hands-on way to learn more about how we can protect, preserve, and restore the endangered lands of Southern Florida. They have volunteer days roughly once a month, so you can participate monthly if you’d like.
6. South Florida Water Management District
Our water resources are critical. Take an active role in preserving your community’s water supply by contacting your local regional contact. You can also volunteer in Miami to work in the Everglades National Park, in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, or in the Nature Conservatory.
7. Humane Society
The Humane Society of Greater Miami provides shelter, food, and love to pets no matter how long it takes for them to find their forever home. Volunteer by walking pets, providing professional services, or donating used items that can benefit the sheltered animals. They particularly need vehicle donations, so consider donating your vehicle instead of trading it in. If you love animals, this is a great spot to volunteer in Miami.
8. Tropical Audubon Society
There are lots of ways to volunteer with the Tropical Audubon Society, which is dedicated to conserving and restoring South Florida’s ecosystems. In particular, they focus on birds, wildlife, and their habitats.
If you’re looking for a way to volunteer outside, you can volunteer as a kayak guide or a gardener. Both of these volunteer positions allow you to educate people about the society. If you prefer to use your talents indoors, you can write or help with special events. No matter how you volunteer, you’ll support the society’s mission of conservation and education.